Lakeview Fellowship Church of God

P.O. Box 506
230 Hess Frontage Road

Grasonville, Maryland  21638


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Rev. Linda Ruff

 Congregational Care Pastor

Hello, my name is Pastor Linda Ruff. l serve as Congregational Care pastor at Lakeview Fellowship. We are very excited in all that God is doing. Our ministry provides care encouragement to our church family who are ill, homebound, or in special need. This ministry works to carry the love of God to all in our church family who are experiencing a season of need. An important part of this ministry is prayer. We have a prayer team that meets weekly. We cover our pastor, all church ministries, staff personnel, missions, and members with prayer to sustain them in the love of Jesus. Then we listen for God's direction in all we do.

Love and Prayers,
Pastor Linda

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